
Charlotte Sharman

Primary School

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Geography Curriculum

The Geography Curriculum



At Charlotte Sharman we believe that Geography helps our pupils to explore their identity and how we relate to others. We want to inspire children’s curiosity and fascination about our world and its people so that it helps them to make sense of their place within it. It is our focus for pupils to learn about the United Kingdom throughout primary school and to develop their knowledge of major geographical features in other parts of the world. 


Our geography lessons are planned, based on four key knowledge groups:

  • Locational knowledge

  • Place knowledge

  • Human and physical geography

  • Geographical skills and fieldwork


By the end of Key Stage 1 children are required to undertake studies of: 

  • a small area of the United Kingdom

  • a small area in a contrasting non-European country. 


By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils are required to undertake studies of the human and physical geography of: 

  • a region of the United Kingdom

  • a region in a European country

  • a region within North or South America.


As well as these, teachers are able to incorporate other areas of the world into their topics. 


Geography is meaningfully planned and linked to the high quality texts and relevant to the topics chosen throughout the year.
