
Charlotte Sharman

Primary School

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Admission Arrangements


If you are applying for a place in Reception then you must register with Southwark, create an account and complete an on-line application using the link below.  Please contact the school to book a place on one of our open mornings.  (Dates on calendar) 

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.


If you require further advice or information you can contact Southwark’s Admissions Team on 020 7525 5337.


Remember that if you currently have a child already in the school Nursery, you must still complete an on-line application for admission to Reception. There is no automatic transfer from Nursery to Reception.



If you are applying for a Nursery place, please contact the school office.  You can register when your child turns two, as they'll start nursery after their third birthday.  Start dates are available in September, January, or April, subject to availability. 


In Year Admission

If you are interested in an in-year (after Reception admissions) primary school place for your child, please contact the school office.  This form must be completed and taken to your child’s existing school for the present headteacher’s signature. Copies of this form may be obtained from the school if you have difficulty accessing or printing this form.


Admission Policy

At Charlotte Sharman, we adhere to the Southwark Admissions Guidance.

When you've completed your here application, you must submit it by the closing date as published on the Southwark Website. The online application will not be deemed as on time unless it's submitted by this time and date.



