
Charlotte Sharman

Primary School

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Governors' Page

Welcome to the Governors' section.





AppointmentsGovernorStart DateEnd date 
David WorkmenCo-opted (Acting Chair)   

Ms Nicola Metcalfe

Acting Headteacher01/09/24  
Charlotte SmithPartnership15/05/1714/05/21 
Jolene GlaysherStaff   
Alexander KossykhAssociate0109/24  
Alasdair WilsonCo-opted01/09/1701/09/21 
Catherine PoustCo-opted09/07/1909/07/23 
Dom ToddingtonCo-opted   


First Committee (Complaints, Grievances, Pupil Discipline, Reorganisation, Staff Capability, Staff Discipline) 
Maureen Gabbidon 
Charlotte Smith 
Nicola Metcalfe 
Alasdair Wilson 
Catherine Poust 



Headteacher's Performance Management  
Maureen Gabbidon   
Charlotte Smith   


Pay Review Appeal 



Andrew May

Maureen Gabbidon  
Alasdair Wilson  



Standards and Performance Committee 

Andrew May

Charlotte Smith (Chair) 
Catheirne Poust 
Maureen Gabbidon 




Leadership Maureen Gabbidon
SEND Charlotte Smith
Safeguarding Maureen Gabbidon 
Curriculum  Catherine Poust 
Data  Alasdair Wilson


Governors Meetings 




Standards and Performance Committee


Resources Committee



Thursday 3rd October 2024/Thursday 16th January 2025/Thursday 1st May 2025


Thursday 17th October 2024/Wednesday 5th February 2025/Thursday 22nd May 2025

Full Governors Meeting


Thursday 19th September2024/Tuesday 6th March 2025/Tuesday 17th June 2025



Governors who are no longer in post (previous 12 months)




Attendance for Full Governing Body and Committee meetings
